
Solving Compromised Samples with Catalyst One’s Dry-Slide Technology

In the veterinary practice, compromised samples are common ground. With our animal patients usually exhibiting fussy and volatile behavior during blood-drawing, the act of retrieving samples is a challenge in and of itself. Vets are usually compelled to make do with the samples that they managed to collect, regardless of the quality. It is estimated that 3 out of 4 veterinary samples retrieved by vets are actually compromised with lipemia, hemolysis, or icterus.

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Despite it being a usual part of our diagnostics experience, the negative impact of compromised samples on test results are definitely significant. That is why reference and academic laboratories go to great lengths to minimize their presence. Most in-house chemistry analyzers, however, rarely take these compromised samples into account.

Effects of Compromised Samples

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Dry-slide Technology
In pursuit of more reliable sample processing for veterinarians, IDEXX has developed the Dry-slide Technology for chemistry testing. This revolutionary concept involves filtering the samples through the slide’s extensive layers. Each layer has its own distinct purpose: the spreading layer, the filtering layer, the reagent layer, the indicator layer, and the support layer.

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AVAILABLE HERE: Catalyst One Chemistry Analyzer

The sample is applied to the top spreading layer to assure even distribution. Before the specimen reaches the reagent layer, a filtering layer removes most interfering substances like lipids, bilirubin, and hemoglobin. Results are then optically measured from below after the reaction products reach the indicator layer. By filtering out the unnecessary debris which could alter test results, these slides aids veterinarians in minimizing the need to redraw blood or rerun tests.


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Gain confidence in your in-house chemistry diagnostics. Experience the benefits of IDEXX’s Dry-slide Technology now through the Catalyst One chemistry analyzer. As IDEXX’s exclusive Indonesian distributor, the MEDTEK Indonesia can provide you with the latest in veterinary diagnostics technology. Fill out the form below to know more about how Catalyst One’s Dry-slide Technology can upgrade your practice.